最近我的 HTC P3300 手机出了神经病,即不能发短讯,也不能和电脑联线。在毫无选择之下,只好 hard-reset 囖。 由于好几个月前换上了 4gb 的 sdhc 卡,hard-reset 过后,自然又要重新设置过了(HTC P3300 原厂机是不能兼容4gb 的 sdhc 卡)。之前也花了很多的时间才成功的启用到 4gb 的 sdhc 卡,现在又要重新去 google 再寻找设置法。
花了好几个小时的,读了许多的网页,下载了一大堆的软件,试了又试,最后终于成功的把我的 HTC P3300 设置上 4gb 的 sdhc 卡。
心想,也许网上还有很多的 HTC P3300 的朋友也面对一样的问题。 为了自己也为了大家,就一步一步的讲解如何为你的 HTC P3300 设置 4gb 的 sdhc 卡。
I have been spending few hours of time in searching the way for setting 4gb sdhc card into my HTC P3300. After reading many forums, with many tries, I have figured out the right process, and I would like to share with all of you now.
以下的步骤将需要用到 Resco Explorer (http://www.resco.net/pocketpc/explorer/). 如果你的 HTC P3300 还没有 Resco Explorer, 请务必先设置此软件,即使是共享软件也不用紧,我们只需用一次就够了。
Please ensure you have Resco Explorer(http://www.resco.net/pocketpc/explorer/) installed into your HTC P3300 before you proceed the following steps. Even a shareware version will do, we just need to use it for once.
浏览到 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=344338
下载 以下的软件, 你需要注册一个用户哦!
2)sdhcArtemis cab.zip
Step 1
Visit http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=344338
And download the following files. You need to register a login account.
2)sdhcArtemis cab.zip
解压 SDHC_WM6WM5.zip
1) SDHC.cab
2) sdbus.dll
3) sdmemory.dll
4) Certs.cab
Step 2
Unzip the SDHC_WM6WM5.zip
You will find the following files
1) SDHC.cab
2) sdbus.dll
3) sdmemory.dll
4) Certs.cab
把 SDHC.cab 抄到你的 HTC P3300, 然后进行设置(installation)
Step 3
Copy SDHC.cab into your HTC P3300 and install it.
开启 Resco Explorer,把 sdbus.dll, sdmemory.dll 抄到你的 HTC P3300 里的 \windows 文件夹里。由于这两个文件是储存在 ROM 里,原本的 File Explorer 是不能完成这步骤的。
Step 4
Open the Resco Explorer and copy sdbus.dll, sdmemory.dll into your HTC P3300 \windows folder. Due to the dlls reside in the ROM, the original File-Explorer will not be able to copy the files.
把 Certs.cab抄到你的 HTC P3300, 然后进行设置(installation)
Step 5
Copy Certs.cab into your HTC P3300 and install it.
好运的话,你的 HTS P3300 可能以经能够看到你的 sdhc 卡了。要不然,就继续以下步骤吧。
If you are luck, your HTC P3300 should be able to locate the sdhc card, else, continue.
解压 sdhcArtemis_cab.zip
1) SDHC-Artemis.cab
2) SDHC-Artemis_back3original.cab
3) WM5torage_178BETA2.CAB
Step 6
Unzip sdhcArtemis_cab.zip
You will find the following files
1) SDHC-Artemis.cab
2) SDHC-Artemis_back3original.cab
3) WM5torage_178BETA2.CAB
把 SDHC-Artemis.cab 抄到你的 HTC P3300, 然后进行设置(installation)
Step 7
Copy SDHC-Artemis.cab into your HTC P3300 and install it.
Yeah, you have done.
记得要记录书签哦!不然下次 hard-reset 时就麻烦了。 要是你觉得此网页对你很有用处,请留下comment 吧。
Remember to bookmark this page, you will need this everytime you reset your HTC P3300.
If you find this page is useful, please leave me a comment :)
who care?
so detail ... so many language ... so Chung Hua School ... :P
thank u dude grate work
Hey Dude,
Thanks a lot !!!!!
For sometime I thought, I waste my money for the card....but you have saved me.. :)
Have you tried it with the HTC Touch Chinese clone model ELF0100?
thanks man
but it did not work with me, can you or anybody help please
I have HTC P3300 with 2GB SD card
and windows mobile 5
I followed your steps but did not work, could you please help ?
Muchas gracias por el esfuerzo, pero en mi caso no funciona. Tarjeta SD HC 4G en WM 5.0
hello, i tried your guide. on the step where you explained that i have to copy the sdbus.dll and sdmemory.dll to phone, when i tried doing that a message appear "you do not have permission to overwrite those files" and I can't find those file on resco explorer, but i did find sdbus.dll and sdmemory.dll in my documents, where i originally copied the sdhc file. what do i do? I am confused. Please help.
thank you so much
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