Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to break website with right mouse click disabled

How to break website with right mouse click disabled

There are many websites toggled off the right click for the purpose of securing the website content copyright. While surfing these kind of website, i feel this is very much annoying because i used to do right-click a lot.
These websites are using javascript to disable the mouse right click, if you need to release your right mouse click/enable your right mouse click, all you need to do is to stop javascript to work in that website.

There are 2 ways to release your right click,
1) The best way will be the following technique:
while visiting the website, go to your browser URL field, and enter the following code and press "Enter" key. This will disabled the javascript on that particular web page,

2) Go to your setting and disable the javascipt, then it is done :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very long ohhhhh.......... haha i am chui ling ohhh......